Can You Cut Drywall With A Circular Saw?

Gypsum board, usually referred to as plasterboard or drywall, is a widely used building material that is essential for creating walls and ceilings.

You might need to make accurate cuts in drywall at some point, whether you’re working on a new construction job or starting a home renovation project. 

Even though conventional techniques like scoring, snapping, or utilizing a utility knife might be useful for simple operations, larger and more complex cuts frequently require the use of a power tool.

Among the different possibilities available, the question arises: Can you cut drywall with a circular saw?

This article will examine the viability and usefulness of cutting drywall with a circular saw. We will examine the best drywall cutting equipment as well as offer important advice and safety measures to guarantee a productive and secure cutting operation. 

Can You Cut Drywall with A Circular Saw

Can You Cut Drywall with a Circular Saw?

Yes, a circular saw can be used to cut drywall. While drywall is frequently cut using conventional techniques like scoring and snapping or a utility knife, a circular saw can provide various benefits, particularly for larger and more complex cuts.

To cut drywall using a circular saw, keep the following in mind:

Efficiency and Speed

Using a circular saw to cut through drywall quickly and precisely is one of the major benefits of doing so.

In comparison to manual methods, using a circular saw allows you to cut through the material with ease because of its strong motor and sharp blade.

Clean and Smooth Cuts

For clean and smooth cuts in drywall, use a circular saw with a fine-toothed blade. When working on tasks that need expert finishing touches or when you need accurate measurements, this is especially helpful.


Circular saws are flexible cutting instruments that can be used for more than only drywall. A circular saw is a flexible addition to your toolkit because it can be used to cut other materials like plywood, timber, or even metal with the appropriate blade.

Safety Precautions

Safety precautions are extremely important while using a circular saw to cut drywall. To protect yourself from potential dangers, you should always put on the proper safety equipment, such as safety goggles, ear protection, and a dust mask.

To prevent any movement during the cutting process, you should also tie the drywall firmly and make sure the work area is free of obstructions.

Management of Dust

Cutting drywall can generate a lot of dust. Consider employing a dust collecting device or connecting a shop vacuum to your circular saw to collect the dust particles as you cut to reduce the mess and maintain a clean working environment.

How Can I Use A Circular Saw To Cut Drywall?

Use a circular saw to cut drywall by following these detailed instructions:

Ensure the work area is prepared by making sure it is free of any impediments and well-lit. To offer a solid platform for cutting, it is advised to work on a stable workstation or sawhorses.

Count and Mark

The size of the cut you must make in the drywall should be measured. The cut lines should be marked on the drywall surface using a straightedge or a measuring tape. Verify your measures a second time to verify precision.

Set the Saw Depth

Change the circular saw blade’s cutting depth. Set it to a depth that is just a hair deeper than the thickness of the drywall, but don’t set it too deep as this could harm the substructure.

Install a Fine-Toothed Blade

Choose a fine-toothed blade that is specially made for cutting drywall. To promote cleaner and smoother cuts, these blades frequently have a higher tooth-per-inch (TPI) count.

To safely put the blade onto your circular saw, adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Position the Drywall

Lay the designated drywall on the surface, making sure it is firmly in place and won’t move while being cut. You might use clamps or ask a helper to keep it steady.

Start Cutting

Before beginning to cut, be sure the blade of the saw is not in touch with the drywall. Align the blade of the saw with the designated cut line as you position it there.

Turn on the Saw and Steady Your Grip 

The saw should be turned on, and you should steady your grip while holding it firmly in both hands. Before making contact with the drywall, start the saw and allow it to achieve its maximum speed.

Begin the cut

Start cutting by gently guiding the saw along the cut line that has been indicated. Avoid shoving the saw blade into the drywall and let it do its work. Keep your motions controlled and fluid.

Finish the Cut

Continue cutting along the designated line until you have a crisp, straight cut through the drywall. When cutting corners or bends, especially, take your time to guarantee accuracy.

After the cut is finished, turn off the circular saw and wait until the blade is completely still before putting it aside.

Verify the Cut

Make sure the cut satisfies your required requirements by inspecting it. You can smooth off any sharp edges or uneven surfaces with sandpaper or a utility knife.

What Are The Best 7 Drywall Cutting Tools?

The proper equipment is needed to cut drywall in a clean and precise manner. The following list of the top seven instruments for cutting drywall includes:

1. Utility Knife

A utility knife is a multipurpose instrument that can be used for drywall cutting. It works especially well for trimming edges, scoring the surface before snapping and making small, accurate cuts.

2. Drywall Saw

A drywall saw, often referred to as a keyhole saw, has a long, narrow blade with pointed teeth that are intended to cut through drywall. It is perfect for creating cutouts for plumbing pipes, electrical outlets, and other atypical shapes.

3. Rotary Cutting Tools

Making precise cuts in drywall is made much easier with the use of rotary cutting tools, such as a rotary cutter or rotary tool with a cutting bit. They are adept at cutting edges, sculpting complex shapes, and navigating tight corners.

4. Jab Saw

A jab saw features a serrated blade and a pointed tip, much like a drywall saw. It is a practical tool for renovation jobs because it is made specifically for plunge cutting and making bigger apertures in drywall.

5. RotoZip 

A RotoZip is a specialized power tool created specifically for cutting drywall. It quickly and accurately slices through drywall using a high-speed rotating bit, enabling the installation of switches, outlets, and other holes.

6. Circular Saw

Although not made expressly for drywall, a circular saw can be used to rapidly and precisely cut through drywall when fitted with a fine-toothed blade, especially for longer cuts and straight lines.

7. Oscillating Multi-Tool 

When dealing with drywall, an oscillating multi-tool that has a blade for cutting drywall offers versatility and accuracy. It is an effective instrument for performing a variety of drywall cutting tasks since it can do flush cuts, plunge cuts, and precise trim work.

How Can I Cut Existing Drywall Safely?

Follow these steps to carefully cut into existing drywall: 

1. Use a stud finder or other comparable instruments to locate any potential hazards, such as electrical cables or plumbing lines. 

2. Put on safety gear, like gloves, a dust mask, and safety goggles. 

3. To score the area and make a guide, use a drywall saw or utility knife. 

4. Using a saw or other suitable tool, cut the material, being careful not to use too much power.

5. Immediately clear away dust and debris to preserve a secure working environment.


Is Drywall Dust Harmful?

If drywall dust is inhaled, it can be dangerous. It might make you sneeze, cough, or feel uncomfortable in your throat. Long-term exposure to drywall dust at high concentrations may cause respiratory problems. 

To reduce the risks brought on by drywall dust, it’s crucial to take preventative steps like using protective gear like a dust mask, goggles, and gloves and applying the right dust-control techniques.

Which saw is ideal for cutting drywall?  

A keyhole saw or drywall saw works best for cutting drywall. These saws have a drywall-specific blade that is pointed, narrow, and equipped with sharp teeth.

They can easily maneuver in small spaces and make precise cuts thanks to their long, flexible blades. 

For wider cuts and straight lines, you can also get good results with a fine-toothed blade on a circular saw or an oscillating multi-tool with a drywall cutting attachment.

How do you snap a piece of Drywall?

Here’s how you snap a piece of drywall: 
1. Using a utility knife, score the drywall’s front side along the desired cut line. 
2. Lay the scored line across an impervious surface, such as the edge of a workbench. 
3. Apply even pressure along the scored line to the drywall’s backside.
4. To make the appropriate cut, the drywall must snap cleanly along the score line.

How Do Pros Cut Drywall?

Professional drywall cutters often employ a variety of tools and methods. They frequently score the drywall’s front surface along the desired cut line using a utility knife.

The drywall is then fastened along the score line. Professionals may also utilize drywall saws, rotary cutting tools, or circular saws with fine-toothed blades for more exact cuts or elaborate shapes.

In conclusion, using a circular saw to cut drywall is a practical solution. For larger and more complex cuts, a circular saw has advantages over more conventional techniques like scoring and snapping or using a utility knife. 

A circular saw can be a useful instrument for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts due to its speed, efficiency, and capacity to make clean and smooth cuts.

However, it’s crucial to put safety first, use suitable procedures, and take the project’s particular requirements into account. 

Doing this lets you competently cut drywall with a circular saw and provide expert results in any building or remodeling project.

Hopefully, this article help you to get the answer to the question Can you Cut Drywall with a Circular Saw?