How To Restring A Pole Saw: A Complete Guide

A pole saw is a handy tool for cutting high branches and limbs without the need for a ladder. However, over time, the string on your pole saw may become worn or break, making it necessary to restring the saw.

Restringing a pole saw may seem daunting, but with the right tools and a little bit of patience, it’s a task that you can easily accomplish.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to restring your pole saw, so you can get back to pruning trees in no time.

How To Restring A Pole Saw

How To Restring A Pole Saw: Step by Step Guide

Gather Your Tools

Before you begin, you’ll need to gather the following tools:

  • New pole saw string
  • Scissors or a utility knife
  • Screwdriver
  • Needle-nose pliers (optional)

Remove the Old String

The first step in restringing your pole saw is to remove the old string. Start by turning off the saw and disconnecting it from the power source.

Then, locate the retaining screw that holds the string in place on the saw’s spool. Use a screwdriver to remove the screw and release the old string.

Next, remove any remaining string from the spool and clean the spool and surrounding area to ensure that there is no debris or old string left behind.

Attach the New String

Once you have removed the old string, it’s time to attach the new string. Begin by cutting a length of new pole saw string to the appropriate length, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Then, insert the end of the string into the hole in the spool and tie a knot at the end of the string to prevent it from slipping through the hole.

Next, wrap the string around the spool in the direction indicated by the manufacturer. Make sure to keep the string tight and evenly spaced as you wrap it around the spool.

Once you have wrapped the string around the spool several times, thread the end of the string through the eyelets on the saw’s bar.

Adjust the Tension

After you have attached the new string, you’ll need to adjust the tension. Use a screwdriver to turn the tension screw on the saw’s spool in the direction indicated by the manufacturer.

This will increase or decrease the tension on the string, depending on the direction you turn the screw.

It’s important to ensure that the tension on the string is correct, as too much tension can cause the string to break, while too little tension can cause the string to slip off the spool. You can use needle-nose pliers to adjust the tension if necessary.

Test the Saw

Once you have adjusted the tension on the string, it’s time to test the saw. Reconnect the saw to the power source and turn it on to ensure that the string is rotating smoothly and that the tension is correct.

If the string is not rotating smoothly or the tension is incorrect, you may need to adjust the tension screw again.

By following these tips and keeping your pole saw’s string in good condition, you’ll be able to use your saw safely and effectively for many years to come.

Tips & Tricks

When choosing a new string for your pole saw, it’s important to select a string that is compatible with your saw’s specifications.

Most pole saws will have specific string requirements listed in the manufacturer’s instructions, including the appropriate length and diameter of the string.

In addition to choosing the right type of string, it’s also important to ensure that the string is wound tightly and evenly around the spool.

A loose or unevenly wound string can cause problems with the saw’s performance, so take the time to wind the string carefully and check the tension regularly.

If you’re having trouble restringing your pole saw, don’t hesitate to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek advice from a professional.

Pole saws can be dangerous tools, and it’s important to ensure that your saw is working correctly before you use it.


How often should I restring my pole saw?

The frequency with which you need to restring your pole saw will depend on how often you use it and how hard you work it.

As a general rule, you should inspect your pole saw string after every use and replace it if it appears worn or damaged.

Can I use any type of string in my pole saw?

No, it is not recommended to use any type of string in your pole saw. Different types of pole saws may require different types of strings.

It is important to check the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific pole saw model to find out the appropriate length and diameter of the string.

Using the wrong type of string can cause damage to the saw and compromise its performance.

How often do I need to restring my pole saw?

The frequency of restringing your pole saw will depend on how often you use it and the type of work you are doing.

It’s a good idea to check the condition of the string before each use and replace it if it is worn or damaged.

What type of string should I use to restring my pole saw?

The type of string you should use will depend on the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific pole saw model. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to find out the appropriate length and diameter of the string.

Can I use any string to restring my pole saw?

No, it’s important to use the appropriate string that is compatible with your pole saw’s specifications. Using the wrong type of string can cause damage to the saw and compromise its performance.

How do I know if I have wound the string correctly?

You can check the tension of the string by pulling it lightly. The string should be tight and evenly wound around the spool. If the string is loose or unevenly wound, it can cause problems with the saw’s performance.

Can I restring a pole saw without any prior experience?

Yes, restringing a pole saw is a simple task that can be done at home with the right tools and instructions. Follow the steps outlined in this guide carefully and seek advice from a professional if you encounter any difficulties.

What are some tips for maintaining my pole saw’s string?

To maintain your pole saw’s string, avoid using it on branches that are too thick for the saw’s cutting capacity, as this can cause the string to wear out more quickly. Also, make sure to clean the saw after each use and store it in a dry place to prevent rust and corrosion.


Restringing a pole saw is a simple task that you can easily do at home with the right tools and a little bit of patience.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to replace the old string on your pole saw and get back to pruning trees and bushes in no time.

Remember to choose the right type of string, wind it tightly and evenly around the spool, and check the tension regularly to ensure that your pole saw is working correctly.

If you’re ever unsure about how to restring your pole saw or are having difficulty, don’t hesitate to seek advice from a professional.